Episode 1 - How Are Independent Artists Surviving A Digital Economy?
Listen to this episode from Digital Dissect on Spotify. Jack Louis Cooper, Youth Facilitator and singer-songwriter joins Rebecca Rees to introduce the key themes of a digital economy and share concerns around making a viable creative career in a saturated marketplace. Watch Jack's masculinity and mental health series 'A Slow But Sure Corner' here - www.instagram.com/jacklouiscooper.
My good friend and singer-songwriter Jack Louis Cooper, joins me for episode one of the podcast, to introduce the key themes of a digital economy. Jack is a self-employed youth facilitator for Knowle West Media Centre; where he runs art and tech sessions to provide our future generation with creative opportunities and a space for experimentation. In December last year he launched a series of conversations with some fantastic men around the themes of creativity, masculinity and mental health. Drawing upon the messages of unity, empathy and exclusivity which lends itself to a world that is breaking open the fragilities of our current soceity. Watch 'A Slow But Sure Corner' here - www.instagram.com/jacklouiscooper.
This episode brings you an artists perspective on the digital economy, highlighting the struggles that freelancers are facing in a contemporary music industry, as well as sharing concerns around making a viable career as a musician in a saturated marketplace. One that brings an audience members view to whether technology has disconnected our society, how musicians keep a brand as authentic as possible and the debate around seeking a professional team to monetise music making as a creative pursuit.
Produced by Rebecca Rees, Lucy Fegan and Jacob Simmons, music by Shimasu, mastered by Richard Bignell, artwork by Esme Hallam and Dan Yates.